Those who approach this treatment normally know well the effects of this massage that acts on the lymphatic circulation.

But what is lymph?

Lymph is a viscous fluid composed mainly of water, lymphocytes (white blood cells responsible for immune defenses) and proteins. This fluid cleanses the tissues of the body from metabolic waste by following a path that passes through certain areas, called lymphatic ganglia, where the lymph eliminates waste and then continues to other tissues in a continuous process of “cleaning”.

So what is it used for?

The main effects are the reduction of swelling and the outflow of excess fluids, combats water retention, facilitates the reabsorption of edema (eg trauma, joint sprains, post-operative hematomas) also reducing pain.

It favors the cicatrization process of tissues and wounds (and ulcers in diabetic people), improves the introduction of immunoglobulins and leukocytes also improving the immune system.

What are the massage techniques?

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques have evolved since the 1800s thanks to the discovery of lymphatic drainage massage by E. Vodder. Regardless of where the point to be treated is located, the massage always begins at the neck level (this is where the lymph nodes are located, which are the points where the lymph mixes with the bloodstream), then moves on to the lymph nodes of the face and only then, following the lymphatic path, does it reach the area to be treated.

The massage involves a light pressing movement, gentle and slow. The duration of the session varies according to the type of area to be treated and according to the condition of the swollen area. As a rule, the massage cannot last less than 60 minutes.

It is very important that the patient rests for at least 15 minutes after the treatment in order to amplify the beneficial effects of the massage, which will be perceived immediately starting with a feeling of lightness and psychophysical well-being. This is the favorite massage for those who want to fight cellulite and skin imperfections.

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