This massage can be done both as an injury prevention tool and to achieve general well-being, but it is especially to be considered for improving sports performance, post-injury rehabilitation and postural improvement.

The basic idea is to free the fascia by ideally following the myofascial meridians. But what is meant by fascia?

By fascia we mean a structure formed by connective tissue that covers muscles, blood vessels, the nervous system and that holds together muscle and joint structures allowing them to slide over each other. In fact, the “fascial chain” is a functional conjunction able to give structure and support to the body, allowing its movement.

That feeling that is often identified by phrases like “my back feels stiff,” “my shoulder feels stuck,” etc., are exactly the signs that the affected muscle fascia is not flowing as it should.

What is our treatment for?

The treatment is therefore aimed at freeing the fascia, first treating muscle adhesions, then stretching and distending the fascia and finally working on contractures by working on pain centers (trigger points).

Following a motor assessment and special muscle tests in the body districts, we perform tissue friction, transverse massage, massage with knuckles, elbows and fingertips by moving the muscles involved both passively and actively by the patient.

In this way, we act on the superficial fascial structures as well as on the deep ones, increasing the degree of movement, releasing tensions and thus improving the postural aspect.

From whom is the treatment requested?

This treatment is one of the most requested by professional athletes as the improved mobility and fascial smoothness improves athletic gestures and therefore performance.

In addition, precisely because of a newfound fluidity of movement, there is a significant reduction in the risk of muscle trauma and already with one or two treatments, there is a complete disappearance of pain and muscle discomfort and at the same time a better sports performance.

The therapy requires a certain amount of discomfort/pain tolerance that will peak the day after treatment, and then subside 48 hours later. Three days after treatment, most people have no more pain and do not even remember having had the problem that led him to request a session of massage therapy. More complex problems require a few more sessions but rarely exceed 3-4 sessions.

Would you like more information about this treatment or about the study? You can contact us directly at 3517171706 or write us an email at