Pre and post race sports massage

Sports massage is a particular massage that is performed on athletes before, after and between competitions. Each different moment corresponds to a massage with different techniques:

Each different moment corresponds to a massage with different techniques:

The pre-race sports massage

It serves to warm up the muscles and prepare the athlete for competition. It is usually carried out on the muscle districts most involved in the specific sporting activity. It lasts a few minutes and with fast, superficial movements that promote vascularization of the tissues and increase the temperature of the muscle. Performed immediately prior to competition, it prepares the athlete for competition and minimizes possible muscle trauma.

The post-race sports massage

It serves to improve and speed up muscle recovery after sports competition.

It is a very slow, deep but gentle massage, much appreciated by professional athletes. The techniques used are aimed at relaxing the muscles, relieving microtraumas, contractures and more generally, thanks to the aid of techniques derived from lymphatic drainage, greatly promotes the elimination of lactic acid. The effect is visible immediately and especially the next day, when the athlete can return to the training field without the usual post-competition muscle pain.

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